In my previous article about a generics based case statement for strings, I commited many sins towards the Church Of Pure Pascal :)
One of them was to not check for prior art. Sergey Antonov aka 0xffff did something similar back in April 2010 (Note: two links!).
So, to make penance for my lack of purity (and have a chance to sin some more), I have tried to take the good parts of the concept and create something less ugly, and more comfortable to use.
I rewrote the generic class and named it TCache. I kept the configurable key type, and I made the lookup value configurable as well. Basically, it all ends up as a thin wrapper around a dictionary, but I quite like the simple declaration you can achieve with this approach.
Example declaration
var Cache : TCache<String, Integer>; i : Integer; begin if not Assigned(Cache) then TCache<String, Integer> .Define(Cache, 0) ['alpha', 11] ['bravo', 22] ['charlie', 33] ['delta', 44] ['echo', 55] ['foxtrot', 66]; i := Cache.Lookup('charlie');
Remember that <String, Integer> can be almost any type you like, including code (for the value part, at least).
Here is the class. Note that I also keep track of the index of the order each key/value was added. This could be removed. Also note that I still do dirty deeds, such as a dangerous cast. I guess I just suck at writing clean code ;).
unit GenericsCache; /// Written by Lars Fosdal <>, December 5, 2010 interface uses SysUtils, Generics.Collections; type TCacheEntry<T> = record Value: T; Index: Integer; end; TCache<KeyT, ValT> = class(TObjectDictionary<KeyT, TCacheEntry<ValT>>) private FCache: TCache<KeyT, ValT>; FDefaultValue: ValT; function AddValue(const Id: KeyT; const Value: ValT): TCache<KeyT, ValT>; protected function ValidateId(Id: KeyT): KeyT; virtual; public class function Define(var Cache; const aDefaultValue:ValT): TCache<KeyT, ValT>; function Lookup(const Id: KeyT):ValT; function Index(const Id: KeyT):Integer; property DefaultValue: ValT read FDefaultValue write FDefaultValue; property Values[const Id: KeyT; const Value: ValT]: TCache<KeyT, ValT> read AddValue; default; end; TCaseStringCache = class(TCache<String, String>) function ValidateId(Id: String): String; override; end; implementation { TCache<KeyT, ValT> } function TCache<KeyT, ValT>.AddValue(const Id: KeyT; const Value: ValT): TCache<KeyT, ValT>; var Rec : TCacheEntry<ValT>; begin Result := Self; Rec.Value := Value; Rec.Index := Count; Add(ValidateId(Id), Rec); end; class function TCache<KeyT, ValT>.Define(var Cache; const aDefaultValue: ValT): TCache<KeyT, ValT>; begin Result := Create; Result.FCache := Result; Result.DefaultValue := aDefaultValue; TCache<KeyT, ValT>(Cache) := Result; end; function TCache<KeyT, ValT>.Index(const Id: KeyT): Integer; var Rec : TCacheEntry<ValT>; begin if TryGetValue(ValidateId(Id), Rec) then Result := Rec.Index else Result := -1; end; function TCache<KeyT, ValT>.Lookup(const Id: KeyT): ValT; var Rec : TCacheEntry<ValT>; begin if FCache.TryGetValue(ValidateId(Id), Rec) then Result := Rec.Value else Result := DefaultValue; end; function TCache<KeyT, ValT>.ValidateId(Id: KeyT): KeyT; begin Result := Id; end; { TCaseStringCache } function TCaseStringCache.ValidateId(Id: String): String; begin Result := LowerCase(Id); end; end.
I wrote a simple benchmark, testing different ways to use this, and also comparing it to do String2Index / Case -type lookup mechanisms as well as if/then/else, and the ugly method from my previous article. Several people suggested using a string to index / case approach. I have also used that many times. The painful part of strings to index, is that if you change the order of the strings, you also have to change the indices. TCache makes the index entirely optional, since the string is the index - if you see what I mean.
See below for the test code.
The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly.
The test uses GetTickCount and 5.000.000 iterations, for each method, repeated 10 times, with 12 strings (the numbers are consistant at 6 strings as well - except that string to index will be slightly faster) and the process priority was set to High to avoid other parts of the PC affecting the numbers. I weighted the results towards the results for the if/then/else. So Perf tells you how many times slower than if/then/else each test was.
Method | Perf | AvgRun | Comment |
TStringSwitch | 52.94 | 35340.7 | The ugly was really ugly performance-wise as well. |
AnsiIndexTextFunc | 12.40 | 8277.3 | String to Index, then case/anon.method is no speed demon either. |
StringIndex | 12.05 | 8041.7 | Jolyon's variant is around the same speed. |
AnsiIndexText | 12.03 | 8032.6 | If you remove anon.methods, the impact is not huge. |
TStringList | 6.94 | 4631.6 | Using a pre-created sorted string list is nearly twice the speed of AnsiIndexText. |
TCacheProc | 3.70 | 2471.1 | Cool, TCache and anon.methods are nearly twice the speed of a string list. |
TCacheFunc | 3.71 | 2475.8 | No signficant difference between a procedure and function. |
TCacheFuncStack | 3.72 | 2480.5 | Passing the anon.method by stack doesn't cost much either. |
TCaseStringCache | 3.12 | 2085.6 | Case insensitive string to string saves some time over using anon.methods. |
TCacheString | 2.93 | 1957.9 | So does eliminating the LowerCase function. TCache with string/string is 3 times slower than if/then/else, but it is 4 times faster than AnsiIndexText, and more than twice as fast as a string list. |
If/then/else | 1 | 667.6 | You can't beat this. You also can't enjoy maintaining it. |
LastKey | 0.39 | 260.4 | No surprise that indexed array lookups are fast. Yes, I know I am not looking up the same strings, but the cost is the same. |
If you need to repeatedly do lookup by strings, you can benefit from using something like TCache. Also - for the AnsiIndexText - it does a sequential search for the match, hence if the list is long, or the later entries are more commonly used - it will degrade performancewise. Without having dissected TDictionary in detail, I would believe that it's hash table will allow TCache to remain relativly constant in performance, even if you add thousands of entries.
You could also shave off some more by eliminating the ValidateId methods.
Here is the test program (which also use the unit from my previous article).
program TestGenericsSwitch; {$apptype Console} uses ExceptionLog, Windows, Classes, SysUtils, StrUtils, GenericsCache in 'GenericsCache.pas', GenericsSwitch in 'GenericsSwitch.pas'; {$define Twelve} // remove this to run with 6 strings const {$ifndef Twelve} Elements = 6; {$else} Elements = 12; {$endif} TestCount = 5000000; Keys : Array[0..Elements] of String = ('alpha','bravo', 'charlie', 'delta', 'echo', 'foxtrot', {$ifdef Twelve} 'golf', 'hotel', 'india', 'juliet', 'kilo', 'lima', {$endif} 'what'); type TFunc = reference to function:String; TProc = reference to procedure; function RandomKey:String; begin Result := Keys[Random(Elements + 1)]; end; function AssignTest:String; var ix : Integer; s: String; begin for ix := 0 to TestCount - 1 do TStringSwitch.CaseOf(RandomKey) ['alpha', procedure begin s := 'Definitively any case'; end] ['bravo', procedure begin s := 'B all you can B'; end] ['charlie', procedure begin s := 'Checkpoint C'; end] ['delta', procedure begin s := 'Checkpoint D'; end] ['echo', procedure begin s := 'Checkpoint E'; end] ['foxtrot', procedure begin s := 'Checkpoint F'; end] {$ifdef Twelve} ['golf', procedure begin s:= 'golf'; end] ['hotel',procedure begin s:= 'hotel'; end] ['india',procedure begin s:= 'india'; end] ['juliet', procedure begin s:= 'juliet'; end] ['kilo', procedure begin s:= 'kilo'; end] ['lima', procedure begin s:= 'lima'; end] {$endif} .ElseCase(procedure begin s := 'Else what?'; end) .EndCase; Result := s; end; function AssignTestIf:String; var ix : Integer; s, t: String; begin for ix := 0 to TestCount - 1 do begin t := LowerCase(RandomKey); if t = 'alpha' then s := 'Definitively any case' else if t = 'bravo' then s := 'B all you can B' else if t = 'charlie' then s := 'Checkpoint C' else if t = 'delta' then s := 'Checkpoint D' else if t = 'echo' then s := 'Checkpoint E' else if t = 'foxtrot' then s := 'Checkpoint F' {$ifdef Twelve} else if t = 'golf' then s := 'golf' else if t = 'hotel' then s := 'hotel' else if t = 'india' then s := 'india' else if t = 'juliet' then s := 'juliet' else if t = 'kilo' then s := 'kilo' else if t = 'lima' then s := 'lima' {$endif} else s := 'Else what?'; end; Result := s; end; function AssignTestS2I:String; var ix : Integer; s: String; begin for ix := 0 to TestCount - 1 do case AnsiIndexText(RandomKey, ['alpha', 'bravo', 'charlie', 'delta', 'echo', 'foxtrot' {$ifdef Twelve} , 'golf', 'hotel', 'india', 'juliet', 'kilo', 'lima' {$endif} ]) of 0 : s := 'Definitively any case'; 1 : s := 'B all you can B'; 2 : s := 'Checkpoint C'; 3 : s := 'Checkpoint D'; 4 : s := 'Checkpoint E'; 5 : s := 'Checkpoint F'; {$ifdef Twelve} 6 : s := 'golf'; 7 : s := 'hotel'; 8 : s := 'india'; 9 : s := 'juliet'; 10 : s := 'kilo'; 11 : s := 'lima'; {$endif} else s := 'Else what?'; end; Result := s; end; function StringIndex(const aString: string; const aCases: array of string; const aCaseSensitive: Boolean): Integer; begin if aCaseSensitive then begin for Result := 0 to Pred(Length(aCases)) do if ANSISameText(aString, aCases[Result]) then EXIT; end else begin for Result := 0 to Pred(Length(aCases)) do if ANSISameStr(aString, aCases[Result]) then EXIT; end; Result := -1; end; function AssignStringIndexFunc:String; var ix : Integer; func : TFunc; begin for ix := 0 to TestCount - 1 do case StringIndex(RandomKey, ['alpha', 'bravo', 'charlie', 'delta', 'echo', 'foxtrot' {$ifdef Twelve} , 'golf', 'hotel', 'india', 'juliet', 'kilo', 'lima' {$endif}], false) of 0 : func := function:String begin Result := 'Definitively any case'; end; 1 : func := function:String begin Result := 'B all you can B'; end; 2 : func := function:String begin Result := 'Checkpoint C'; end; 3 : func := function:String begin Result := 'Checkpoint D'; end; 4 : func := function:String begin Result := 'Checkpoint E'; end; 5 : func := function:String begin Result := 'Checkpoint F'; end; {$ifdef Twelve} 6 : func := function:String begin Result:= 'golf'; end; 7 : func := function:String begin Result:= 'hotel'; end; 8 : func := function:String begin Result:= 'india'; end; 9 : func := function:String begin Result:= 'juliet'; end; 10: func := function:String begin Result:= 'kilo'; end; 11: func := function:String begin Result:= 'lima'; end; {$endif} else func := function:String begin Result := 'Else what?'; end; end; Result := Func; end; function AssignTestS2IFunc:String; var ix : Integer; func : TFunc; begin for ix := 0 to TestCount - 1 do case AnsiIndexText(RandomKey, ['alpha', 'bravo', 'charlie', 'delta', 'echo', 'foxtrot' {$ifdef Twelve} , 'golf', 'hotel', 'india', 'juliet', 'kilo', 'lima' {$endif}]) of 0 : func := function:String begin Result := 'Definitively any case'; end; 1 : func := function:String begin Result := 'B all you can B'; end; 2 : func := function:String begin Result := 'Checkpoint C'; end; 3 : func := function:String begin Result := 'Checkpoint D'; end; 4 : func := function:String begin Result := 'Checkpoint E'; end; 5 : func := function:String begin Result := 'Checkpoint F'; end; {$ifdef Twelve} 6 : func := function:String begin Result:= 'golf'; end; 7 : func := function:String begin Result:= 'hotel'; end; 8 : func := function:String begin Result:= 'india'; end; 9 : func := function:String begin Result:= 'juliet'; end; 10: func := function:String begin Result:= 'kilo'; end; 11: func := function:String begin Result:= 'lima'; end; {$endif} else func := function:String begin Result := 'Else what?'; end; end; Result := Func; end; function AssignCaseStringCache:String; var ix : Integer; s: String; Cache : TCaseStringCache; begin TCaseStringCache.Define(Cache, 'Else what?') ['alpha', 'Definitively any case'] ['bravo', 'B all you can B'] ['charlie', 'Checkpoint C'] ['delta', 'Checkpoint D'] ['echo', 'Checkpoint E'] ['foxtrot', 'Checkpoint F'] {$ifdef Twelve} ['golf', 'golf'] ['hotel', 'hotel'] ['india', 'india'] ['juliet', 'juliet'] ['kilo', 'kilo'] ['lima', 'lima'] {$endif}; for ix := 0 to TestCount - 1 do s := Cache.Lookup(RandomKey); Result := s; end; function AssignCacheString:String; var ix : Integer; s: String; Cache : TCache< String, String>; begin TCache<String, String> .Define(Cache, 'Else what?') ['alpha', 'Definitively any case'] ['bravo', 'B all you can B'] ['charlie', 'Checkpoint C'] ['delta', 'Checkpoint D'] ['echo', 'Checkpoint E'] ['foxtrot', 'Checkpoint F'] {$ifdef Twelve} ['golf', 'golf'] ['hotel', 'hotel'] ['india', 'india'] ['juliet', 'juliet'] ['kilo', 'kilo'] ['lima', 'lima'] {$endif}; for ix := 0 to TestCount - 1 do s := Cache.Lookup(RandomKey); Result := s; end; function AssignCacheProc:String; var ix : Integer; s: String; Cache : TCache<String, TProc>; begin TCache<String, TProc>.Define(Cache, procedure begin s := 'Else what?'; end) ['alpha', procedure begin s := 'Definitively any case'; end] ['bravo', procedure begin s := 'B all you can B'; end] ['charlie', procedure begin s := 'Checkpoint C'; end] ['delta', procedure begin s := 'Checkpoint D'; end] ['echo', procedure begin s := 'Checkpoint E'; end] ['foxtrot', procedure begin s := 'Checkpoint F'; end] {$ifdef Twelve} ['golf', procedure begin s:= 'golf'; end] ['hotel', procedure begin s:= 'hotel'; end] ['india', procedure begin s:= 'india'; end] ['juliet', procedure begin s:= 'juliet'; end] ['kilo', procedure begin s:= 'kilo'; end] ['lima', procedure begin s:= 'lima'; end] {$endif}; for ix := 0 to TestCount - 1 do Cache.Lookup(RandomKey)(); Result := s; end; function AssignCacheFuncStack:String; var ix : Integer; s: String; Cache : TCache<String, TFunc>; begin TCache<String, TFunc>.Define(Cache, function:String begin Result := 'Else what?'; end) ['alpha', function:String begin Result := 'Definitively any case'; end] ['bravo', function:String begin Result := 'B all you can B'; end] ['charlie', function:String begin Result := 'Checkpoint C'; end] ['delta', function:String begin Result := 'Checkpoint D'; end] ['echo', function:String begin Result := 'Checkpoint E'; end] ['foxtrot', function:String begin Result := 'Checkpoint F'; end] {$ifdef Twelve} ['golf', function:String begin Result := 'golf'; end] ['hotel',function:String begin Result := 'hotel'; end] ['india',function:String begin Result := 'india'; end] ['juliet', function:String begin Result := 'juliet'; end] ['kilo', function:String begin Result := 'kilo'; end] ['lima', function:String begin Result := 'lima'; end] {$endif}; for ix := 0 to TestCount - 1 do s := Cache.Lookup(RandomKey)(); Result := s; end; function AssignCacheFunc:String; var ix : Integer; s: String; func: TFunc; Cache : TCache<String, TFunc>; begin TCache<String, TFunc>.Define(Cache, function:String begin Result := 'Else what?'; end) ['alpha', function:String begin Result := 'Definitively any case'; end] ['bravo', function:String begin Result := 'B all you can B'; end] ['charlie', function:String begin Result := 'Checkpoint C'; end] ['delta', function:String begin Result := 'Checkpoint D'; end] ['echo', function:String begin Result := 'Checkpoint E'; end] ['foxtrot', function:String begin Result := 'Checkpoint F'; end] {$ifdef Twelve} ['golf', function:String begin Result := 'golf'; end] ['hotel',function:String begin Result := 'hotel'; end] ['india',function:String begin Result := 'india'; end] ['juliet', function:String begin Result := 'juliet'; end] ['kilo', function:String begin Result := 'kilo'; end] ['lima', function:String begin Result := 'lima'; end] {$endif}; for ix := 0 to TestCount - 1 do begin func := Cache.Lookup(RandomKey); s := func; end; Result := s; end; function AssignStringList:String; var ix, fx : Integer; s: String; func : TFunc; obj : TObject absolute func; StrList : TStringList; begin StrList := TStringList.Create; StrList.AddObject('alpha', TObject(function:String begin Result := 'Definitively any case'; end)); StrList.AddObject('bravo', TObject(function:String begin Result := 'B all you can B'; end)); StrList.AddObject('charlie', TObject(function:String begin Result := 'Checkpoint C'; end)); StrList.AddObject('delta', TObject(function:String begin Result := 'Checkpoint D'; end)); StrList.AddObject('echo', TObject(function:String begin Result := 'Checkpoint E'; end)); StrList.AddObject('foxtrot', TObject(function:String begin Result := 'Checkpoint F'; end)); //{$ifdef Twelve} StrList.AddObject('golf', TObject(function:String begin Result := 'golf'; end)); StrList.AddObject('hotel',TObject(function:String begin Result := 'hotel'; end)); StrList.AddObject('india',TObject(function:String begin Result := 'india'; end)); StrList.AddObject('juliet', TObject(function:String begin Result := 'juliet'; end)); StrList.AddObject('kilo', TObject(function:String begin Result := 'kilo'; end)); StrList.AddObject('lima', TObject(function:String begin Result := 'lima'; end)); //{$endif} StrList.Sorted := True; for ix := 0 to TestCount - 1 do begin fx := StrList.IndexOf(RandomKey); if fx >= 0 then begin obj := StrList.Objects[fx]; s := func; end else s := 'ElseWhat'; end; Result := s; end; function TimeIt(proc: TFunc; name:String):Integer; var start : Cardinal; LastLookup : String; oldSeed : Integer; begin OldSeed := RandSeed; start := GetTickCount; LastLookup := Proc; Result := GetTickCount - start; Writeln(Format('%-18s %6d - %s', [name, Result, LastLookup])); RandSeed := OldSeed; end; function LastKey:String; var ix : Integer; s : String; OldSeed : Integer; begin OldSeed := RandSeed; for ix := 0 to TestCount - 1 do s := RandomKey; RandSeed := OldSeed; Result := s; end; procedure Test; const Repeats = 10; var ix : Integer; begin for ix := 0 to Repeats - 1 do begin Randomize; // RandSeed := 2003112605; Writeln; Writeln(Format('strings=%d, repeats=%d, seed=%d', [Elements, TestCount, RandSeed])); TimeIt(AssignTest,'TStringSwitch'); TimeIt(AssignTestS2IFunc, 'AnsiIndexText Func'); TimeIt(AssignStringIndexFunc, 'StringIndex'); TimeIt(AssignTestS2I, 'AnsiIndexText'); TimeIt(AssignStringList,'TStringList'); TimeIt(AssignCacheProc, 'TCache Proc'); TimeIt(AssignCacheFunc, 'TCache Func'); TimeIt(AssignCacheFuncStack, 'TCache Func Stack'); TimeIt(AssignCaseStringCache, 'TCaseStringCache'); TimeIt(AssignCacheString, 'TCache String'); TimeIt(AssignTestIf, 'If/then/else'); TimeIt(LastKey, 'LastKey'); end; end; begin try Write('Press Enter to start: '); Readln; Test; finally Writeln; Write('Press Enter: '); Readln; end; end.